Home » Cuomo admits Trump is not guilty, but asks for impeachment anyway

Cuomo admits Trump is not guilty, but asks for impeachment anyway

by The Florida Pundit
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During last night’s program, CNN’s main “fake news” anchor Chris Cuomo, argued that Congress should impeach President Trump, even if the President has not committed a crime.

“Can he be impeached? Look, it does not have to be a crime to be dismissed. That’s what Congress says, Cuomo remarked in the show,
“Unfortunately, you have to watch the video below to believe that Cuomo actually said something so crazy.


Special prosecutor Robert Mueller continues to issue accusations about things that have nothing to do with whether the Trump campaign “colluded” with Russia. Accusations like the one used by Mueller to arrest Roger Stone yesterday, crimes that would not exist if the investigation of Mueller never started. Stone has been accused of lying about what happened during the 2016 campaign, not because of what he really did during the 2016 campaign.

At this point, it is obvious that Mueller has absolutely nothing against President Donald Trump, but that does not prevent CNN from calling for the president’s impeachment. Yes, CNN is asking that President Trump is impeached, even if he did not commit any crime.

A basic understanding of the English language, the language used to draft the Constitution of the United States, makes it quite clear that some type of crime is required for impeachment. Article II, Section 4 states that “The President, Vice President and all civil servants of the United States” may be charged and dismissed only for “treason, bribery or other serious offenses and misdemeanors.”

You can not dismiss the president of the United States just because you do not like it, but that is what CNN is asking for. This must be the result of the mainstream media beginning to realize that Mueller is not going to prove anything criminal about the President.

This is evidence of how dangerous they are. They want to establish the rules and force us to follow them. Just last night, CNN’s Jake Tapper made an “anti-LGBT” comment against Roger Stone, since he could potentially go to prison, saying “Stone might like it.” If a conservator said this, that person would be attacked, but since the media set the rules, they have not said anything about it.

The media is showing their true inner feelings and they are becoming even more radical. They want the President to be dismissed for any reason, since this has become too personal for them. Our country is going through dark times, but it is necessary to awaken people so that they can see how traditional media are dangerous and poison the minds of our people.

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