Home » Trump: I will ‘do whatever is necessary to build the border wall’

Trump: I will ‘do whatever is necessary to build the border wall’

by The Florida Pundit
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President Donald Trump insisted he will do whatever is necessary to build the border wall with Mexico, and that negotiations with the Democratic opposition to keep the US administration open beyond the next three weeks “will not be easy”.

“21 days go by very fast. Negotiations with the Democrats will begin immediately. It will not be easy to reach an agreement, the two parties are very entrenched (in their positions), “Trump wrote in his Twitter account.

“The argument in favor of National Security has been greatly favored by what has been happening on the border and during our dialogues. We will build the Wall! “

Trump relinquished this Friday and ended a partial 35-day shutdown of the Administration, the longest in US history, by signing a law that provides federal agencies with funds over the next three weeks.

The president had allowed 25% of the Administration to paralyze their activities due to lack of funds on December 22, given the refusal of the Democratic majority in the lower house to include funds for the construction of the border wall in the federal budget.

After a month insisting that he would not accept any budget that did not contribute money for the wall, Trump finally gave his arm to twist before the growing reports on the economic difficulties of the 800,000 affected workers, the chaos in some airports and the possible risks to the US economy.

Over the next three weeks, a bipartisan committee of the House of Representatives and the Senate will meet to develop a funding proposal for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in charge of the country’s immigration policy.

But Trump warned that if the budgets that Congress designs to prevent a new closure as of February 15 do not include funds for the wall, it will declare a “national emergency,” which would allow it to devote to that project funds allocated to other depatments.

Trump issued other tweets today defending the need for the wall, including one in which he denounced that a new caravan of Central American migrants is arriving to the southern border of Mexico, where almost 8,000 people have requested a humanitarian visa to enter that country on their way to the US.


“We have managed to turn around, with great effort, two large caravans, but now a large one has been formed and it is coming. At least 8,000 people! If we had a powerful Wall, they would not even attempt the long and dangerous journey. Let’s build the Wall and the Crime will fall! “president Trump remarked in his tweet.

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