Home » Democrats want to tear down the existing US-Mexico border wall

Democrats want to tear down the existing US-Mexico border wall

by The Florida Pundit
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beto orourke at the us mexico border

Former Texas Democratic congressman Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, said in an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes that he would tear down the existing US-Mexico border wall.

“If you could, would you tear down the wall here now?” Hayes asked O’Rourke. “Yes, absolutely, I would knock down the wall,” O’Rourke replied. O’Rourke has not yet announced that he will run in 2020, but everything he has done in recent weeks indicates that he will run.

Beto O’Rourke is not alone in supporting this extremely radical idea, Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand said Friday that she also supports the demolition of the existing border wall.

Gillibrand said that President Trump was racist, without evidence, and said that would be a sufficient reason for her to tear down the wall.

“And it’s a hate message. I mean he’s … he’s trying to create an image of division and hatred and mockery. And that’s why I’m so offended: the fact that he has fused this kind of racism in his words and actions is disturbing, “said Gillibrand.

Most of the world’s problems can be divided into many opinions, even if you do not agree with them, but this is absolute madness. Democrats say they do not support open borders, but they literally want to tear down our borders.

The worst thing this crazy idea is that the fact that Gillibrand and O’Rourke say they do not want our border walls is not that “crazy” compared to Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats who obstruct President Trump’s border wall.

How different is the demolition of our current border wall than preventing President Trump from building more barriers and improving existing barriers?

Not building a wall is not so different than breaking down an existing wall because both theories result in open borders. That’s what the Democrats want, open borders

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