Home » Fast food and lack of exercise, causes brain deterioration

Fast food and lack of exercise, causes brain deterioration

by The Florida Pundit
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Your Brain health can deteriorate more quickly if you have a high dose of fast food and not enough exercise, according to a study conducted by the Australian University.

Fast foods are taken as quick and easy substitutes for food but most of them are high in calories, fat, sugar and salt.

In the study, it was detailed that the unhealthy choices derived from a bad lifestyle have caused that they consume 650 more calories per day than 50 years ago. The study was summarized in MedicalXpress, the amount of extra calories is equivalent to a hamburger with chips and a soda.

Nicolas Cerbuin, who led the study published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, concluded that most people do not have a healthy diet and eat too much inadequate food.

The predictions made from the study indicate that 10 percent of adults will suffer type 2 diabetes by 2030 and have a loss of brain function such as cerebral shrinkage, dementia, and other diseases.

These damages are irreversible entering middle age, so the researcher urges that from infants have an adequate diet and exercise routines according to age to prevent deterioration to reach adulthood.

In addition, a study conducted by Mayo Clinic found that junk food may also be related to the development of depression, while people who eat fruits, vegetables and vegetables are less likely to develop this type of disorder.

These foods include a large number of processed meats, chocolates, sweet desserts, fried foods, refined grains, and high-fat dairy products.

People who choose a Mediterranean diet, which consists of fruits, vegetables, and fish, and that restrict the consumption of meat and dairy products, have lower rates of depression and other diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and heart disease. heart.

To consume fewer calories when visiting a fast food restaurant you must first know the menu, many establishments accompany it with the number of calories estimated for the consumer to choose.

If you are going out to eat out, prefer places offering salads, soups, and vegetables. With pizza, ask for less cheese and choose low-fat covers like vegetables and yes, clean the pizza with a napkin to remove the excess fat works. Choose small desserts and share.

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