Home » Miami-Dade County employee accused of stealing gas for personal car

Miami-Dade County employee accused of stealing gas for personal car

by The Florida Pundit
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A Miami-Dade County employee was arrested over the weekend on accusations that he stole gas for his personal vehicle and faces charges for organizing a scheme to defraud and steal from the County.

According to the police, Dani Daniel Toranzo, stole $ 11.25 in gasoline from a city facility that supply state vehicles near Amelia Park in Hialeah.

The crime occurred, according to the arrest warrant, on July 14, when Toranzo, 43, was seen unloading five gallons of gasoline he had reserved in a plastic container in a 2005 Toyota Scion.

Gasoline had been stolen from fuel pumps intended for County vehicles using a fuel allocation card, police said. According to the authorities, the City’s fuel can not be used in private vehicles and is only destined to equipment and vehicles of the County.

The investigation revealed that Toranzo had regularly brought the Toyota Scion to his job and that he had used the city’s fuel illegally at least 17 times.

The total cost of fuel stolen by Toranzo al Condado is $ 321.15. The vehicle was owned by Toranzo’s sister and the public employee confessed that he filled the tank at least twice a week with the work assignment. To do this he used two plastic containers that were seized by the authorities.

“Mr. Toranzo was hired by Miami-Dade County on September 13, 2016. He is currently the maintenance supervisor of the parks in the Department of Recreation and Open Space,” explained Miami Police.

Mr. Toranzo was arrested and transferred to Guilder Turner Knight Correctional Center.

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