Home » Joe Biden Approval Ratings Collapses to 39 Percent

Joe Biden Approval Ratings Collapses to 39 Percent

by The Florida Pundit
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Joe Biden Approval Ratings Collapses to 39 Percent

According to the most recent Economist/YouGov survey, President Joe Biden’s approval ratings “overall and on his handling of major issues have all fallen, drastically in some cases.”

According to the survey results, only 39 percent approve of Biden’s overall job performance, while a near majority (49 percent) disapprove; the 10-point negative rating is the first time Biden has gone underwater throughout his eight-month presidency.

The decline in overall approval is a six-point drop in one week, and Democrats were even more likely to lower their approval in a nine-point swing, from 86 percent to 77 percent.

“There are many reasons for Biden’s slump: economic concerns, the ongoing COVID-19 surge and limitations, reminders of past terrorist attacks, and the challenges that emerged during the Afghanistan withdrawal,” YouGov pollsters said in their study.

The quick Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and the ensuing instability, as well as the deaths of 13 US military personnel in a suicide assault, might have eroded support in an area where Biden had long had strong popularity ratings: the COVID-19 pandemic response.

According to the pollsters, “for the first time, a higher percentage of Americans disapprove (45 percent ) of Biden’s handling of the coronavirus epidemic than approve (42 percent ).”
“This week, only 40% approve of the president’s handling of the economy and employment, while 47% disapprove.
In prior weeks, the approval rate was higher than the disapproval rate.”

The decline in Biden’s job popularity is mirrored by an increase in pessimism among Americans, who feel the country is heading in the wrong way.
Only 26% feel the United States is heading in the right direction, a 13-point decrease from the June 5-9 YouGov survey.

A supermajority of American people (60 percent) believes the country is on the wrong track, up from 48 percent in the same June poll.

The Economist poll, conducted by YouGov, surveyed 1,500 American adult citizens between September 4 and 7, with a margin of error of around 2.8 percentage points.

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