Home » Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez brainwashing her supporters with socialist propaganda

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez brainwashing her supporters with socialist propaganda

by The Florida Pundit
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez socialist propaganda

Socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is brainwashing more than 3 million of her followers on social media with her dangerous socialist propaganda.

Ocasio-Cortez, rewriting history and indoctrinating her followers on Instagram from her new luxury apartment in Washington D.C., said in a video that he believes the border wall proposed by President Donald Trump is a “moral abomination.” “I think it’s like the Berlin Wall”.

The Berlin Wall that was built after the Second World War is completely different from the wall proposed by President Trump and making both look alike is dangerous socialist propaganda.

The Berlin Wall was built in Germany because millions of Germans fled East Germany after the Soviet Union installed socialism and all property and industry were nationalized in the East Germany. The indoctrination of Marxism-Leninism became an obligatory part of the school curriculum, sending teachers and students to flee to West Germany.

Ocasio-Cortez is literally saying that the border wall of President Trump, which will be to stop illegal immigration and the trafficking of people and drugs, is the same as the Berlin Wall, which was built to keep people trapped in a socialist country.

Ocasio-Cortez continued to lie in that video, stating that most Americans do not want a wall, when in fact only the majority of Democrats do not want it:

“Let’s say you love the wall, let’s say you love it. The point is that it’s wrong to keep people’s paychecks hostage, and if you want your wall so much, go out and convince the American people because 70% of the United States thinks this is the dumbest idea and it’s not my problem that the majority of the American public thinks is a scam, a farce, a monument to white supremacy. It’s not my fault, it’s not my fault. “

The problem is that his supporters believe it and the more she lies about the truth of socialism, the greater the possibility that socialism will come to America. Each of her 3 million followers, could spread their socialist ideas to dozens more people. This is a problem and a real threat looks our country.

Last week, Ocasio-Cortez rewrote history even further and asserted that illegal Latino immigrants in the United States can not be “criminalized” on “native” US land because they are “descendants of natives.”

“Because we are standing on native lands, and Latinos are descendants of natives. And we can not be criminalized simply because of our identity or our state, “said Ocasio-Cortez, arguing that Latinos are descendants of Native American Indians and, therefore, be illegal immigrants.

This is obviously not historically true, but her followers believe in this propaganda. This is what socialists do, indoctrinate people and then slowly deceive them into supporting socialism using emotions based on such things as race and identity. That is exactly what Hitler did to bring the Nazis to power. Remember that the Nazi Party was called the National German Socialist Workers Party.

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