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Biden and Pope Francis, two peas in a pod

by The Florida Pundit
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Biden and Pope Francis, two peas in a pod

In recent days, US President Joe Biden visited the Vatican and met with Pope Francis in private for approximately 75 minutes, of which very little was revealed publicly; but there is little much to say about that about the attitude of the highest Roman hierarch and his parishioner, the American president.

President Biden told the press that the Pope classified him as a good Christian and invited him to continue communing in the Catholic Church, a position that confronts the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, which a few months ago pointed out that Catholic politicians who openly support the legal practice of abortion in America would be denied communion.

Obviously, Biden is one of those Catholic politicians, and namely, one of the most important because he is the President of the Republic. Precisely when journalists asked him if he and the Pope “had spoken about the Conference of Catholic Bishops,” Biden replied that this was “a private conversation”, without giving more details about it; which shows how thorny the subject is.

While the Pope invites Biden to continue receiving communion, the North American bishops who are the ones who make life in the United States say the opposite; So what is Francisco playing with this ambiguous attitude? Does Biden feel good about his conscience that while he supports the murder of his unborn compatriots, he takes communion at mass without any qualms? You have to ask yourself, how important is communion for Biden and the Pope? What will the Catholic parishioners think about it? Because we already know well what the North American Conference of Catholic Bishops thinks.

For his part, the Catholic Bishop of Kansas City, Joseph Naumann, had asked: “How can [Biden] say that he is a devout and practicing Catholic and, at the same time, do these things that are contrary to the Magisterium of the Church?” . Very good question, which would be prudent for Naumann to direct to Francis, asking him how can the Pope trample on the Magisterium of the Catholic Church allowing Biden to receive communion despite having his hands stained with innocent blood?

Not only does Biden support abortion, but his Justice Department has brought to the Supreme Court the Texas state law that effectively prohibits the termination of pregnancy; In other words, he persecutes those who defend the life of the unborn in their eagerness to defend the practice of abortion. And this Pope Francis knows very well.

This situation will bring a tail because it involves a confrontation between the Pope and his North American bishops, an issue that is not the first time that has happened, since Francis lives with ambiguous positions within the Roman Catholic hierarchy; just as ambiguous is Biden’s position as a Catholic parishioner.

Both the Pope and the President of the United States are acting ambiguously, which we do not doubt will affect that religion, especially now that the ball is back in the court of the North American Conference of Catholic Bishops.

According to the international press: «Many conservative sectors have shown their discontent precisely because the papal office constantly announces the emphatic interest in various social policies, many times aligned to the left and sectors called progressive, while traditionally serious issues for the Church are neglected. Catholic as abortion is. And they have every reason to be unhappy because hypocrisy is taking such force that things will not end “in good peace.”

As the Bible says: “Such is the priest, such the people.” Biden supports abortion and Francisco encourages him by letting him take Communion as if nothing else, passing over his bishops and the entire Catholic congregation, not only in the United States but throughout the world. And to top it off, the Pope assures: “abortion is murder,” which implies one of the gravest sins for the Catholic Church. However, he also stated that pro-abortion Catholics should not be excommunicated. But if they can be disciplined, for example, with the suspension of communion.

Definitely, Biden and Francisco are two peas in a pod, each one acts like a politician, one is president of the United States and the other is the high hierarch of the Vatican State; They should have a little more consideration and modesty, don’t you think?

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