Home » Socialism arrives in South Florida with the 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidates

Socialism arrives in South Florida with the 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidates

by The Florida Pundit
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This week, the 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidates will meet in Miami, Florida, for a debate, or in their case, for a contest for the most radical and socialist positions that do not align with the American values.

The Democrats’ race to the extreme left will take place in a state that has benefited greatly from President Trump’s policies: unemployment in Florida has fallen to less than half the rate it had when he took office.

The Miami area voters do not overlook the irony that this is the home to which Hispanic populations came fleeing from the same socialist policies that have now normalized within the Democratic Party. This is not to mention that Hispanic Americans, a rapidly growing community in Florida, are currently enjoying an unprecedented 4.2 percent unemployment rate.

However, this does not worry the 2020 Democratic Presidential candidates, who are too busy trying to appease the extreme left of their party. You only have to see Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Who celebrated the realignment of his party to the left and that his “extremist ideas” become “everyday American ideas.”

Sanders wants to nationalize our main industries and implement a takeover of our health system by the government at a cost of $ 32,000 million. Today, this policy, which was previously marginalized, is backed by almost all Democrats who run for 2020 and will participate in the debates; this, despite the fact that it would take away the private insurance of almost 200 million Americans and would result in the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs.

On the other hand there is the New Ecological Agreement or socialist wish list that costs 93,000 million dollars; It has also received the support of almost all Democrats in 2020, despite its promise to eliminate jobs and impose a tax burden of $ 600,000 on each household. Nor should we forget the federal job guarantee backed by Sanders, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) that would cost billions of dollars to taxpayers.

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