Socialism arrives in South Florida with the 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidates

by The Florida Pundit
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The 2020 Democrats have made it clear that the consequences of their dangerous proposals are not important to them. They want to raise taxes, abolish the electoral college system, give criminals the right to vote, open our borders and offer benefits to illegal immigrants; This, while continuing to deny that there is a humanitarian crisis on the border.

In addition to this list, South Florida is home to countless Cubans and Venezuelans who fled socialism under the regimes of Fidel Castro and Nicolás Maduro. Despite the extensive human rights abuses and destructive socialist policies of these regimes, many Democrats have decided to support dictators instead of endorsing President Trump’s sanctions and supporting democracy in Latin America.

As we listen to the marginalized ideas of Democrats in the debates this week, we will compare them with the successes that President Trump has achieved for our country. He promised to revitalize our economy and bring jobs back to the United States, reduce health insurance premiums and improve the transparency of health care costs, strengthen our border and protect our communities, and he has kept his promises. , every step of the way.

While Democrats argue over who else would raise taxes, we will remember that the tax cuts and deregulation under President Trump have given us 6 new jobs and an unemployment rate of 3.6 percent, the lowest since 1969. Democrats talk about a disastrous government takeover of our health care system, we will remember the success of this administration in reducing health premiums and lowering the prices of prescription drugs. While the Democrats are committed to opening our borders, we will remember the border wall under construction and the continued success of the police in eliminating the gangs.

The South Florida voters, and all Americans know that the radical proposals of the Democrats are the problem, and they are never the solution. We will continue to fight to keep you at the helm of your life, instead of being directed by the government. President Trump has said repeatedly: “The United States will never be a socialist country.” That’s because American voters will never allow it. Instead, we will send the Democrats home and re-elect President Trump in 2020.

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