Home » Socialist Kamala Harris wants to dethrone Trump in 2020

Socialist Kamala Harris wants to dethrone Trump in 2020

by The Florida Pundit
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Kamala Harris in her first interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America” ​​announced her entry into the race to dethrone Donald Trump in the presidential elections of 2020.

Other Democrats will also run, but the way the media treats Kamala Harris It clearly indicates that she is their number one choice and will end up being the Democratic presidential candidate.

Some of Kamala’s aide said that her platform will incorporate Sen. Bernie Sanders’s Medicare-for-all health-care proposal, and at the same time, it also pushes enormous tax relief which is intended to help low-income renters and boost incomes for working-class families.

Harris has revealed her platform and is full of socialism. Although this is alarming, it is not a surprise, since the Democratic Party has become more socialist every year for the last decade. This is the reason why President Trump was elected, he mounted a growing movement against socialism in the United States and it seems that the war between capitalism and socialism in the United States will grow at a record intensity with this electoral cycle of 2020 that begins now.

Senator Harris is proposing a tax plan of nearly $ 3 billion, billions in tax credits for low-income tenants, a Medicare health care system for all and a reduction in cash bail for poor inmates accused of criminal offenses. So, in other words, her platform is going to serve the socialists and the people who are against being tough on crime.

The Medicare health care system for all that she promises will in fact be a single-payer health program, which is projected to cost more than $ 30 billion. Some people predicted that this was the ultimate goal for the Democrats at the time Obamacare came into effect. The theory that Obamacare was designed to destroy our health insurance system in order to convince Americans that we need a single-payer health program seems to be quite valid now, based on the Harris campaign platform.

Harris also wants to implement a socialist income redistribution plan for the United States that will be presented to the federal government paying tax credits to US residents who earn less than $ 100,000 a year, literally giving $ 3,000 for individuals and $ 6,000 for married couples. The credits would also be reimbursable, so taxpayers can receive payments if their tax liability is $ 0 or less than the amount of the credit.

This sounds good until you realize that if most Americans get free money from the government, it will simply cause inflation. The demand would increase nationally, while the supply would remain the same. After a few years, the prices of almost everything in the country would rise enough to balance Harris’ tax credits.

But these facts are not important for liberal voters, because they will focus on wasting money and not thinking about the effects of this radical socialist idea.

Will Wilkinson, vice president of research at the libertarian Niskanen Center, said Harris’ plan to give low-income renters money will be counterproductive since landlords will simply increase rents, “The problem with housing prices is the lack of housing supply in relation to demand. Cities need to build more houses and fast. A tax credit for tenants can reduce the advantage in the short term, but does nothing about the fundamental problem and could even make the problem worse. “

It seems obvious why the swamp has chosen Kamala Harris to be the Democratic presidential candidate. It is difficult to predict if President Trump can beat her, but the odds seem to be in his favor.

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